Temple Isaiah 2016 Mitzvah Day

Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” As a Jewish community, this is known as “tikkun olam” – repairing the world. Temple Isaiah’s Mitzvah Day is a living example of this concept.

Temple Isaiah, like many synagogues, hosts a congregation-wide Mitzvah Day in the spring. We have activities that take place both inside the Temple building and in the greater community. We engage congregants of all ages from pre-school to “age-of-wisdom” (even those in baby sitting do mitzvah activities).

At the end of the day, we gather together for a communal barbecue, sponsored by our Brotherhood and Sisterhood, to share stories from our day, celebrate as a community and join in friendship, food and fun!

(The photos below were taken by myself, post-Bar Mitzvah student, Cole Bhella; congregants David Lippe, Allison Lebit and a few others.)

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