Courses: Entrees Cuisines: Meat, Poultry, Fish Beef ribs. Juicy, succulent, melt-in-your mouth beef ribs. I had never made beef ribs before. I devised this recipe based on two fabulous recipes: my grandmother's delicious brisket recipe and another recipe that also calls for meat to be braised slowly. The first time I made them, I had just moved into a new home and I made them late at night. I was searing the ribs on top of the stove, and the smoke detectors went off. I used all of my usual "tricks" to de-activate the smoke detectors: waving a magazine in front of them, trying to pull it off the ceiling, opening the door. The alarm just grew louder and louder. Then my phone rang. It was my alarm company telling me that my fire alarm was going off and the fire department was on their way - at midnight. I had no idea that the smoke alarm was connected to the fire department. I opened the door and saw five huge fire trucks outside and before I knew it, I had the most drop-dead gorgeous firemen traipsing through my house: all because I was searing beef short-ribs. Lesson learned: From now on, I sear my beef ribs outside on the grill. These ribs are a huge hit! People talk about them for WEEKS after they eat them. Even the firemen wanted to come for dinner! I like to serve these with rosemary/garlic mashed Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Basil-Garlic Grape Tomatoes, Lemon-Scented Green Beans and a Fresh Salad (perhaps a Kale Salad) to start.